As the weather warms up, many people start to think about ways to improve their appearance. And for many, that means turning to cosmetic laser treatments. Here are some reasons why more people opt for laser treatments during summer.

Clients Want to Look Their Best

More people want to look their best during the summer months because they are more likely to be out and about, and they want to look their best.

Treatments such as Coolsculpting can help eliminate stubborn fat, while laser skin resurfacing can help improve wrinkles, fine lines, and other imperfections.

Clients Have More Free Time

People often have more free time during the summer to schedule appointments and treatments. They may not have to worry about taking time off from work or school and can schedule appointments around their vacation plans.

Vacations or Special Events

People often book vacations or attend special events during the summer. They may want to look their best for these occasions, and laser treatments can help them reach their goals.

Does your client want a better physique for her summer wedding? The Emsculpt is perfect for toning the abdomen and buttocks in as little as two to four weeks.

Combat Sun Damage

The sun can cause a lot of damage to your skin, including wrinkles, age spots, and other blemishes. Cosmetic laser treatments can help combat this damage and improve the appearance of your skin.

An example of one such treatment is the Vivace RF Microneedling, which can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Add to Your Summer Services

Laser treatments can offer many benefits to clients, and the summer months are a great time to schedule appointments. If you want to offer the latest laser treatments, we can discuss your options. Contact us today at (817) 251-8500 or

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