Emsculpt is a relatively new device that the FDA has cleared for muscle building and body sculpting. Emsculpt creates powerful yet safe and painless electric impulses that cause your muscles to contract involuntarily, resulting in an effective workout. If your clients want an alternative to exercising or surgery, you may want to take advantage of this exciting new treatment.

Is Emsculpt Safe?

Emsculpt is FDA cleared for use on the abdomen and buttocks, proven safe and effective in clinical studies. There are no known side effects, making it a very safe treatment option.

How Does Emsculpt Work?

Emsculpt is a device that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to induce muscle contractions. These contractions are much more powerful than what can be achieved through voluntary contraction, meaning that they can build muscle and sculpt the body much more effectively. The impulses also cause the breakdown of fat cells, resulting in reduced cellulite and a more toned appearance.

How Does Emsculpt Compare to Other Treatments?

There are many different body sculpting and fat reduction treatments on the market, but most require surgery or downtime for recovery. Emsculpt is a non-invasive treatment with no pain or recovery time, making it a much more convenient option for busy people who don’t have the time to take off work or recover from surgery.

Emsculpt Results

Most people see noticeable results after just a few sessions, and the results continue to improve over the next few weeks as the body continues to break down fat cells. The best results are usually seen after 2-4 weeks, at which point many people report a significant reduction in cellulite and an increase in muscle tone. 

Do You Offer Emsculpt Services?

If you’re looking for a muscle-sculpting treatment that can help you attract new patients and grow your business, consider Emsculpt. Premier Laser Partners is a leading provider of medical aesthetics equipment, and we offer Emsculpt rental options to help you get started with offering this popular treatment.

To learn more about our equipment rental program and find out how you can get started, contact us today at (817) 251-8500 or email us at info@premierlaserpartners.com