Laser technology has become an increasingly popular treatment method for various med-aesthetic procedures. While many clinics choose to purchase their own lasers, there is also the option to rent laser equipment.

An aesthetic laser can cost as much as $250,000, making it a significant investment for any new or existing practice. In 2005, Premier Laser Partners was created to provide qualified medical practices access to the latest aesthetic devices without having to risk such a large amount of capital in a depreciating asset.

Types of Aesthetic Lasers

Some of the latest aesthetic devices include:

  • Laser hair removal devices
  • Laser resurfacing devices
  • Skin tightening lasers
  • Body shaping lasers

How It Works

The process of renting a laser is relatively simple. After an initial consultation to assess your needs, our team will help you select the most suitable device for your clinic. We will then deliver the laser to your location and provide training on its use according to your schedule.

Why Choose Laser Rentals?

Renting an aesthetic laser can save you both money and hassle in the long run. With Premier Laser Partners, you have access to the latest and greatest laser technology without worrying about maintenance or repairs.

Keep Your Business Up-to-Date

You can attract new patients and grow your business by offering the latest laser treatments. With our affordable rental rates, you can keep your overhead low and increase your profits.

Laser Rentals Made Easy

Premier Laser Partners makes renting aesthetic lasers easy. We will work with you to find the perfect device for your needs and deliver it to your location. We also provide training on its use so that you can get started right away.

Get in touch today by calling (817) 251-8500 or emailing to learn more about how we can help you grow your business with laser rentals.