Are you considering adding Emsculpt to your menu of services? This innovative new treatment offers a non-invasive way to achieve dramatic improvements in muscle tone and definition. Here’s what you need to know about the results you can expect.

What Is Emsculpt?

Emsculpt is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to induce muscle contractions. It’s an effective way to reduce fat and build muscle. 

A study has shown that patients achieved almost a 19% reduction in abdominal fat and a 15.4% increase in muscle mass. So if you’re looking for a way to help your clients achieve their weight loss goals, Emsculpt may be just what you need.

Emsculpt Results

The results you can expect from Emsculpt depend on several factors, including your muscle strength and weight. Typically, patients will notice muscle definition and tone after just one treatment, with more dramatic results seen over time as muscle mass continues to build.

How Long Do Emsculpt Results Last?

The results of Emsculpt are long-lasting, but muscle mass will slowly decrease over time if the patient does not maintain a healthy lifestyle. For best results, patients should continue to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet.

Emsculpt is an excellent treatment for muscle sculpting and toning, with long-lasting results. It’s important to note that the treatment works best when combined with a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise and a balanced diet. Speak with a qualified healthcare professional if you’re interested in offering this treatment to your clients.

Is Emsculpt Safe?

Emsculpt is considered a safe and effective treatment for muscle sculpting. It does not require any pain medication or downtime, so your clients can get back to their regular routines right away. However, it’s always important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any new procedure.

If you’re interested in offering Emsculpt treatments to your clients, consult with a qualified professional who can provide the proper training and information.

Emsculpt Rental and Training

Emsculpt treatments use a device that emits high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy. This type of device is only available through certified medical practices.

If you’re interested in offering Emsculpt treatments, you’ll need to rent or purchase a device from a qualified provider. You’ll also need to undergo proper training to ensure that you can operate the device safely and effectively. Premier Laser Partners can provide all of this and more.

Expand Your Services With Emsculpt

If you’re looking for a muscle-sculpting treatment that can help you attract new patients and grow your business, consider Emsculpt. Premier Laser Partners is a leading provider of medical aesthetics equipment and we offer Emsculpt rental options to help you get started with offering this popular treatment.

To learn more about our equipment rental program and find out how you can get started, contact us today at (817) 251-8500 or email us at