Having the best lasers to conduct the procedures your clients want can mean the difference between a profitable and successful practice and one that breaks even if not loses money altogether. However, purchasing equipment upfront might be costly; it may not make sense to use operating capital to purchase equipment if you’re dealing with the start-up or continuing running costs. Leasing your medical equipment could be the key to better managing your financial flow! Here are a few reasons why leasing medical equipment can be a good idea for you:


  • Client Demand
  • Capital Available 
  • Financial Reporting & Tax Benefits


Client Demand

If you’re just getting started, you’ll generally want to focus on the most popular procedures to establish your reputation and clientele. Some clients determine their practice based on the equipment in use. Maintaining your reputation, especially if you’ve been in business for a while, ensures that you’ll continue to get outstanding outcomes. If you’re losing clients because they want procedures you don’t offer, it’s time to modernize your equipment.


Many potential clients have done their homework and are seeking specific procedures. One can assume that they know the most up-to-date methods and the advantages that dependable equipment can provide. All in all, customers are looking for the best value for their money. Imagine their dissatisfaction if they believe your equipment is inefficient.


With Premier Laser Partners, you can lease equipment and pay for it daily, weekly, monthly, or as needed, rather than everything at once. Premier Laser makes adding the essential aesthetic lasers and medical equipment easier without exhausting your money!


Capital Available

Everyone’s circumstances are different, and a lease may be able to help you get the equipment you need even if you’ve had financial troubles in the past that prevent you from getting a traditional loan. You may also use this method to introduce new services to an existing practice while generating demand. When you begin to make payments, the treatment may be in high enough demand to cover the costs.


Financial Reporting & Tax Benefits

Lease payments can be treated as operating expenses, lowering your taxable revenue and helping you save money on taxes. Furthermore, because an operational lease does not appear on your balance sheet as a long-term liability, your total liquidity and financial ratios will improve. This ratio will come in handy if you need to apply for loans or sell your practice in the future. You can also deduct depreciation if you classify the lease as a capital lease. Either approach may save you money in the long run!


Ready to Start Leasing?

Are you interested in adding the latest medical equipment and lasers to your practice? Contact Premier Laser Partners today at (817) 251-8500 or email info@premierlaserpartners.com. Our specialists understand your business and are here to guide you to the best structure for your practice while providing you with the best equipment!